Sunday, February 14, 2016

A Storm in the Woods

This morning I had dream that has clung to me all day. It was about a terrifying storm in the woods, and an angel of God.
There were two plots of land in the woods and they were the same size. They both were dense with incredibly tall fir trees, and each plot had a whole bunch of picnic tables. I was on one plot, sitting at a picnic table with Ryan and Jed, my mom and stepdad, and my siblings. The plot next to ours was sort of fenced off by thick overgrowth (briers, dense foliage, etc.) so we kept on our side and the people on the other side stuck to theirs.
While we were eating together, a huge wind storm came up out of nowhere, howling like the roar of immense waves breaking. It was like an instant hurricane. Some of the tall trees above us were plucked up out of the ground and thrown down all around the picnic tables. I had half a second to look and see where the tree nearest me might land, and the next thing I knew, one of the men at our table had thrown himself onto me to protect me from the falling trees. There was terrible, horrifying howling of wind all around us, and everything happened too fast for words. But somehow, we all survived. No one on our plot of land was killed or even injured in any way. Miraculously, the trees all landed in between the people.
As we began to pick ourselves up and look around, a second tidal wave of wind rammed through the plot of land next to ours. It had more trees than ours did, and most of them were leveled in a blink of an eye. There was no resistance, only swift destruction. It was horrifying to see. Every person in that camp was killed by the falling trees. No one survived.
I suddenly realized something. The people on my plot of land fell into two categories: Christians, and those who still had a chance to become Christ-followers (because their hearts were soft). The people on the other plot of land were too far hard-hearted, stiff-necked, and who hated God and his laws and everything about him. There was not an ounce of hope left for them, and they knowingly chose that path.
I was separated from my family by a couple of yards, and as I made my way back to them over the rubble, something to my right caught my eye. It was an angel of God sent to kill anyone who was hiding out on our plot of land, pretending to be a Christ-follower. I couldn’t see the angel. The only things I could see were small zings and flashes of whitish, electric blue light as the angel of God killed the imposters. Part of me was very curious to see the angel, but I was so incredibly terrified! I saw my siblings, Ryan, and Jed, and dove onto them, shielding them and praying desperately that the angel wouldn’t kill us. He had no intention of killing us, but I was so scared, I couldn’t help but pray.
After the storm had passed and the angel was gone, we kind of walked around in a daze, and everyone worked on making their way home. I remember saying to my friend Samantha that I was so glad not to have been on the other side of the fence. She was quick to remind me that our lives were spared by God’s grace alone, and not by anything good we had done. We could have very easily been on the other plot of land.
I don’t remember the last time I had a dream like this, so I thought it would be good to write it down and share it. Other than that, I really don’t know what to say about it. It really shook me up, but I don’t know if it’s “prophetic” or anything like that. I just figured I’d put it out there.

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